Better World Gifts

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Help A Community Pack


Help change the shape and direction of a whole community and break the generational cycle of poverty. Your support of our community development work extends much further than an individual. Improving access to food, education and healthcare for people, families and communities plants a seed of hope for a better future, and the promise of change to impact generations to come.

What is included in the pack?

  • a fish farm card so that communities can establish an ongoing source of food and income;
  • three veggie patch cards to teach families how to grow and sell crops at the markets;
  • three chicken cards so families can have eggs and breed chickens for income and food;
  • two clean water cards so families can stay healthy and hygienic;
  • a toilet card to keep a family safe from disease and give them privacy; and
  • two back to school cards so that children can go back to school and catch up on learning
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