Better World Gifts

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Veggie Patch


A thriving family is one that can grow their own food, beat malnutrition, and maintain their health. Your Better World Gift keeps on giving every time a hungry child receives a meal. It plants a veggie patch for a family in Bangladesh, Nepal, or Kenya, and teaches them how to make it thrive with fertiliser and drought-resistant seeds. 

Product info: 

  • NEW design
  • Card size: 148x105mm 
  • Envelope included 
  • Includes information on how your gift helps families living in poverty 

Your gift of a Veggie Patch is helping to make a better world for all. Let me show you how.

Judy and her family live in rural Kenya and before they become involved with our Christian Partner, they struggled to grow and earn enough to eat. On average, their crops only produced enough for them to eat properly for two months. After that they often had to rely on the kindness of others in order to survive. But when she joined the program, she learnt new techniques to farm her land and in the first year, for the first time ever, her crops produced enough to feed her family all through the year! It was even enough for her to sell remaining crops at the market and send her children to school. The following year, her crops produced over 1.5 times more than the year before.

With the extra income, she diversified, learning how to raise chickens and put solar panels in her home so her children could have electricity to study at night. Now her family have nutritious meals every day, her children can go to school and do well in their studies, and she has broken the cycle of poverty. Thank you for the gift of a veggie patch.

A woman stands in her veggie patch

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