Better World Gifts

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Do you know the difference that one little pig can make for a family? The sale of a pig can mean everything, from being able to afford clothes to sending children to school. Your Better World Gift means training in pig breeding for parents in Uganda so they can sell them and provide for their families. Talk about bringing home the bacon! 

Product info: 

  • Card size: 148x105mm
  • Envelope included 
  • Includes information on how your gift helps families living in poverty 

Your gift of a Piglet is helping to make a better world for all. Let me show you how.

James fled violence in South Sudan, and now lives in rural Uganda as a single parent to his three children. They were safe in their new home, but without a steady income, providing for his family was very difficult and they experienced poverty. But when James began working with our Christian partner, he gained access to the resources needed for his family to thrive. He learnt how to save, and developed business and agricultural skills. Through our Christian Partner, he bought a pig to help produce fertiliser for his crops.

He’s now planning to breed pigs to be able to sell piglets at the market. He dreams of working and saving enough to open a primary school for children missing a parent because he knows how hard it is for his children. And he’s able to do that because of your generous gift of pigs!

A man stands outdoors with a pig

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