Baptist World Aid in QB Hub of Queensland Baptists (November 2024)


Katherine Halliday on Hope 103.2 (November 2024)


    • Ethical Fashion Report Launch

Baptist World Aid in Baptist Union of Victoria (November 2024)


Baptist World Aid in Tasimanian Baptists In reCharge News (November 2024)


Baptist World Aid in Money magazine (October 2024)


Baptist World Aid in Sustainable Fashion of The Sydney Morning Herald (October 2024)


Gina Snodgrass and Katherine Halliday on Money Money Money (October 2024)


Baptist World Aid in Sight Magazine (October 2024)


Baptist World Aid in The Australian Financial Review (October 2024)


Baptist World Aid in State of Companies of Texfash (October 2024)


Baptist World Aid in Ecotextile News (October 2024)


Baptist World Aid in Labor of Sourcing Journal (October 2024)


Baptist World Aid in Finance News of The New Daily (October 2024)


Baptist World Aid in Social Justice of Hope 103.2 (October 2024)


Baptist World Aid in Ragtrader (October 2024)


Gina Snodgrass on ABC News National (October 2024)


    • Baptist World Aid Australia – Ethical Fashion Report 

Baptist World Aid in Baptist Union of Victoria (October 2024)


    • Baptist World Aid Australia Launched New Ethical Fashion Report And The Key Messages And How Companies Can Make Improvements

Katherine Halliday in ABC Radio Melbourne (October 2024)


    • Baptist World Aid Australia Launched New Ethical Fashion Report And The Key Messages And How Companies Can Make Improvements

Katherine Halliday in ABC Radio Perth (October 2024)


Katherine Halliday on 96.5 FM Brisbane (October 2024)

    • Baptist World Aid Australia Launched 10th Ethical Fashion Report

Baptist World Aid on 9 News (October 2024)


Kelsea Clingeleffer on Hope 103.2 (October 2024)


    • We’re Changing The Face Of Sponsorship

Baptist World Aid in Together in Mission of Baptist Churches South Australia & Northern Territory (September 2024)


Baptist World Aid in Tasimanian Baptists In reCharge News (September 2024)


    • Baptist World Aid Changing The Face of Child Sponsorship

Melissa Lipsett in Interviews with 1WAY FM (August 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in QB HUB of Queensland Baptist (August 2024)


    • Famine In Sudan 

Kelsea Clingeleffer in News Bulletin of Hope 103.2 (August 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in QB HUB of Queensland Baptist (August 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Baptist Advocacy Updates of Baptist Churches Western Australia (July 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Hope 103.2 (July 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Salt 106.5 (July 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Comms Room (July 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Sight Magazine (July 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in The Other (July 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Third Sector (July 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Utra 1065 FM (July 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Together Issue 8 of Baptist Union of Victoria (July 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Insights Magazine (July 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Tasimanian Baptists In reCharge News (June 2024)


    • PNG Landslide Appeal

Baptist World Aid Australia in BUV Bulletin, Baptist Union of Victoria news letter (26 June 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Tasmanian Baptists In reCharge NEWS (May 2024)


Sarah Knop in Open Letter, Human Rights Law Centre (21 March 2024)


    • Celebrating Fifty Years of Child Sponsorship

Amelia Ceroni in Belonging People, Newsletter of Baptist Churches In The Northern Territory (March 2024)


Heather Keith in Sight Magazine (1 March 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Tasmanian Baptists In reCharge NEWS (28 February 2024)


Baptist World Aid Australia in Baptist Churches of South Australia Together In Mission Magazine (12 December 2023)


Sarah Knop on Georgia Free of Hope 103.2 (24 November 2023)


Aziza Green on Eternity News (15 November 2023)


Glen James on My Millennial Money (15 November 2023)


Aron Lewin on Inside Retail (15 November 2023)


Herald Sun Digital Print Edition (14 November 2023)


Samantha Elley on Sight Magazine (14 November 2023)


Haydn Davis on Eco Textile (13 November 2023)


Rose Mary Petrass on FS Sustainability (13 November 2023)


Lauren Ironmonger on The Sydney Morning Herald (13 November 2023)


    • Middle East Update 

Fiona Smith on Vision Radio (30 October 2023)


Meredith Benson on Sight Magazine (30 October 2023)


Fiona Smith on Hope 103.2 (25 October 2023)


Sophia Russell in Propel Women (5 October 2023)


Sophia Russell in Baptist Churches of South Australia Together In Mission Magazine (8 August 2023)


Kerry Hilton in Eternity News (13 July 2023)


Sophia Russell in Baptist Churches of South Australia Together In Mission Magazine (30 June 2023)


Baptist World Australia in Baptist Churches of South Australia Together In Mission Magazine (2 June 2023)


Baptist World Aid in Women’s Agenda (25 April 2023)


Baptist World Aid in Sight Magazine (25 April 2023)


Baptist World Aid in Vision Christian Media (24 April 2023)


Bonnie Graham in Eternity News (21 April 2023)


Sarah Knop & Bonnie Graham in Smart Company (21 April 2023)


Bonnie Graham in LinkedIn News Australia (21 April 2023)


Baptist World Aid in Financial Standard (21 April 2023)


Baptist World Aid in EcoTextile (21 April 2023)


Sarah Knop in The Sydney Morning Herald (21 April 2023)


Baptist World Aid in Ragtrader (20 April 2023)


Baptist World Aid in FS Sustainability (20 April 2023)


Baptist World Aid in Michael West Media (12 April 2023)


Baptist World Aid in Sight Magazine (25 February 2023)


Baptist World Aid in F&P Magazine (14 February 2023)


Baptist World Aid in Caviar Feeling (11 February 2023)


Baptist World Aid in Fashion Journal (17 December 2023)


Baptist World Aid in Together in Mission (1 December 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Big News Network (21 November 2022)


Baptist World Aid in The Mandarin (18 November 2022)


Jo Kadlecek in Together In Mission (28 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Junkee (23 October 2022)


Sophia Russell in Eternity News (21 October 2022)


Sarah Knop in Broadsheet (19 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Ecovoice (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Smart Company (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in The New Daily (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Sydney Morning Herald (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in WA Today (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Brisbane Times (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in The Age (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in The New Daily (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Stuff (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Sight Magazine (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in 1 News (18 October 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Ragtrader (17 October 2022)


Jo Kadlecek in Propel Women


Jo Kadlecek in Together In Mission (29 September 2022)


Heather Keith in Sight Magazine (11 August 2022)


Sophia Russell in Together in Mission Magazine (5 August 2022)


Sophia Russell in Tasmanian Baptists (27 July 2022)


Peter Keegan in Eternity News (22 July 2022)


Sophia Russell in Sight Magazine (8 July 2022)


Jo Kadlecek Together in Mission Magazine (6th July 2022)


Jo Kadlecek in Belonging People Newsletter – July 2022 Edition (1st July 2022)


Jo Kadlecek in Sight Magazine (15th June 2022)


Melissa Lipsett on Hope 103.2 (10th June 2022)


Meredith Wright in Sight Magazine (8th June 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Together in Mission Magazine (2nd June 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Together in Mission Magazine (5th May 2022)


Meredith Wright in Sight Magazine(5th May 2022)


Melissa Lipsett in Sight Magazine(2nd May 2022)


Melissa Lipsett in Eternity News (14th April 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Fashion Journal (14th April 2022)


Sophia Russell in Together in Mission Magazine(1st April 2022)


Melissa Lipsett in Eternity News(30th March 2022)


Peter Keegan in Sight Magazine (30th March 2022)


Melissa Lipsett in the Run Like a Woman Podcast (17th March 2022)


Bec Oates in Eternity News (16th March 2022)


Meredith Wright in Eternity News (2nd March 2022)


Steve Woods in Sight Magazine (2nd March 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Baptist Churches Western Australia (1st March 2022)


Fiona Smith in Together in Mission Magazine (27th January 2022)


Sophia Russell in Together in Mission Magazine (27th January 2022)


Jo Kadlecek in Eternity News (4th January 2022)


Baptist World Aid in Eternity News (22nd December 2021)


Baptist World Aid in F&P Magazine (30th November 2021)


Bec Oates on ABC Radio/Podcast show: ‘God Forbid’ (28th November 2021)


Baptist World Aid in Eternity News (25th November 2021)


Melissa Lipsett in Eternity News (17th November 2021)


Matthew Smeal in Sight Magazine (3rd November 2021)


Melissa Lipsett in Eternity News (29th October 2021)


Chantlelle Mayo in The Alabama Baptist (27th October 2021)


Peter Keegan in Broadsheet (22nd October 2021)


Peter Keegan in Relevant Magazine (20th October 2021)


Bonnie Graham in Sight Magazine (20th October 2021)


Baptist World Aid in EcoTextile News (19th October 2021)


Chantelle Mayo in Together in Mission Magazine (19th October 2021)


Peter Keegan in Religion News (19th October 2021)


Chantelle Mayo on RN Drive (19th October 2021)


Baptits World Aid in Fashion Journal (19th October 2021)


Peter Keegan in Ragtrader (19th October 2021)


Peter Keegan in (19th October 2021)


Peter Keegan in The Guardian (19th October 2021)


Meredith Wright in Sight Magazine (27th September 2021)


Chantelle Mayo on 1079 Life (Adelaide) (22nd September 2021)


Bec Oates on Finding Hope with Georgia Free Podcast (20th September 2021)


Jo Kadlecek on Centre for Public Christianity (10th September 2021)


Melissa Lipsett on One Way 91.9 FM Canberra (9th September 2021)


Melissa Lipsett in Propel Women (5th September 2021)


Baptist World Aid in Together in Mission Magazine – Baptist Churches of South Australia (1st September 2021)


Melissa Lipsett in (29th August 2021)


Peter Keegan in 1079 Life (27th August 2021)


Melissa Lipsett on the Breakfast Show, Rhema 99.7 FM (27th August 2021)


Matthew Smeal in Our Story (24th August 2021)


Meredith Wright in Propel Sophia (20th August 2021)


Bec Oates in Sight Magazine (19th August 2021)


Baptist World Aid in SBS News (18th August 2021)


Melissa Lipsett in Eternity News (16th August 2021)


Meredith Wright & Tara Lamerton in Together in Mission Magazine (11th August 2021)


Peter Keegan in The Advocate, WA (August 2021)


Melissa Lipsett in The Advocate, WA (August 2021)



Peter Keegan (28th July 2021)


Baptist World Aid in Business Insider (27th July 2021)


Peter Keegan on 3AW (27th July 2021)


Baptist World Aid in Business Insider (27th July 2021)


Peter Keegan in Rag Trader (27th July 2021)


Baptist World Aid in Business Insider (26th July 2021)


Peter Keegan on RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly (26th July 2021)


Peter Keegan in Sydney Morning Herald (26th July 2021)


Peter Keegan in Sight Magazine (26th July 2021)


Peter Keegan in Hope 103.2 (26th July 2021)


Peter Keegan in Inside Retail (26th July 2021)


Peter Keegan in The New Daily (26th July 2021)


Mukunda Adhikari and Rebekah Cochrane in Sight Magazine (21st July 2021)


Meredith Wright & Rebecca Hill in Eternity News (20th July 2021)


Mukunda Adhikari in Sight Magazine (21st July 2021)


Meredith Wright & Rebecca Hill in Eternity News (20th July 2021)


Bec Oates in Propel Sophia (1st July 2021)


Bec Oates for (July 2021)


Meredith Wright in Belonging People Newsletter of the Baptist Family of Churches in NT (July 2021)


Melissa Lipsett in Hope 103.2 (28th June 2021)


Meredith Wright in Sight Magazine (22nd June 2021)


Melissa Lipsett in Eternity News (17th June 2021)


Meredith Wright in Eternity News (16th June 2021)


Chantelle Mayo in Sight Magazine (15th June 2021)


Jo Kadlecek in Propel Women (11th June 2021)


Melissa Lipsett in Blunder Bus Podcast (4th June 2021)


Baptist World Aid in The Advocate, WA (June 2021)


Paul Manning in Tasmanian Baptist’s ‘ADVANCE | step by step’ Newsletter (June 2021)


Matthew Smeal in Baptist Churches in SA’s ‘Together in Mission’ Newsletter (June 2021)


Steve Woods in Blunder Bus Podcast (27th May 2021)


Matthew Smeal in Sight Magazine (18th May 2021)


Kathy Sinclair in Blunder Bus Podcast (14th May 2021)


Bethany Cliff in Sight Magazine (13th May 2021)


Peter Keegan in Sight Magazine (12th May 2021)


Meredith Wright in Eternity News (10th May 2021)


Melissa Lipsett on Justice Matters TV (7th May 2021)


John Hickey in The BlunderBus podcast (29th April 2021)


Bonnie Graham in Sight Magazine (23rd April 2021)


Bec Oates in The BlunderBus podcast (15th April 2021)


Meredith Wright & Marbuen Diaz in Together in Mission Magazine (12th April 2021)


Melissa Lipsett in Sight Magazine (7th April 2021)


Meredith Wright in Propel Women (2nd April 2021)


John Hickey in Eternity News (1st April 2021)


Baptist World Aid in The Advocate, WA (April 2021)


Baptist World Aid featured on the Baptist Union Victoria site (29th March 2021)


Jo Kadlecek in Sight Magazine (16th March 2021)


Rebecca Abbot interviewing Bec Oates in Eternity News (12th March 2021)


Matthew Smeal in Sight Magazine (10th March 2021)


Samara Linehan in Sight Magazine (8th March 2021)


Matthew Smeal in Eternity News (19th February 2021)


Baptist World Aid in The Advocate, WA (February 2021)


Marbuen Diaz in The BlunderBus podcast (29th January 2021)


Ally Turner in Eternity News (30th December 2020)