Twelve months have passed since the horrific events of October 7 last year, and the escalation in conflict that has followed. Sadly, it is yet another chapter of history in a region where the suffering seems endless. As the cycle of violence continues to repeat itself, we’re painfully aware that true peace in the region will take nothing less than a miracle. 

That’s why it is not trite, simplistic, or ignorant at this time to remind ourselves and each other, that the gospel—literally translated from Greek as ‘good news’—is that the miraculous is possible. It happens. And the very reason the gospel remains good news is because it continues to happen, not only remain a historical event. Jesus is not dead, but alive. He made peace. Makes peace with us. His peace is there to be had, by those who would seek it. 

More’s the point: Jesus was unambiguous that peace-making would be an inherent quality of his followers:   

‘Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons of God.’ — Matthew 5:9 

‘You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.’ — Matthew 5:43-45

The atrocities of October 7 were deplorable, as has been the protracted military response. Three quarters of Gaza’s population is now displaced, and 3.3 million can now not live without humanitarian assistance. In Lebanon, one million are now also displaced from their homes.. No one in the region is safe or safer, all are under threat.    

Baptist World Aid’s response is to pray, give and act.  

We join all those calling for an immediate ceasefire.  

We urge dialogue and diplomacy in the interest of a lasting peace.  

We pray that those with the authority to do so would be empowered by the Spirit for the task of peacemaking—regardless of the faith they belong to and profess; for the Spirit moves in mysterious ways.   

The gospel demands that we remain committed to living out the good news of the peace—in word and action.  We have been gifted and commissioned to this live out with God, others and ourselves.   

In practical terms, this is why we will continue to support, with the deep affection of friendship, our beloved Baptist Church partners in Lebanon. It’s also why we hope, pray and advocate for a wider, deeper peace; for all those living within or on the edge of this arena of war. For all human beings have been imprinted with the divine image, from every race, religion and tongue. 

We ask you to continue to join us by continuing to support our Baptist and other Christian partners as we pray, and give, and act. Please consider what generous peacemaking might look like for you, and what it means to be a part of the answer to our own prayers.

Join us in praying for: 

  • A miraculous, peaceful solution to conflict in the Middle East, so that all may experience fullness of life as God intends.  
  • Return of all hostages and those displaced to their families and homes. 
  • Strength for the wider church including our local Baptist Partners, and all who serve the vulnerable, in the region, as they work compassionately to ease suffering. 
  • Psychological care for people, including young children, traumatised by ongoing conflict.   
  • Medicines and medical supplies for people in Gaza—according to our Partner, there’s now a great need for paediatric medicine, and medicine to support common infections. 

Lord God have mercy.