Welcome to your Child Sponsorship page!

Support a child or youth below and equip them to lead their community out of poverty.


How Sponsorship Works

A young Bangladeshi boy smiles and holds his hand up
Meet Your Child Partner

Your monthly gift supports a child or young person through our Christian Partners’ Child Sponsorship programs. Alongside our Partners, you’ll be supporting children, families and communities in Uganda, Malawi, Bangladesh, Nepal or Cambodia.

A young Ugandan boy smiles
Change Lives

Sponsorship provides children with opportunities to learn effectively at school, and learn about leadership, child rights, nutrition, and more at their Child and Youth Club. Families and communities also take part in programs that help them build a future free from extreme poverty.

A young Cambodian girl in a sports jersey smiles
From their village to yours

When you exchange letters, you’ll build a relationship with a Child Partner that is mutually beneficial. You’ll hear about the activities they’re leading, your letters will encourage them and, when you hear back from them, you’ll grow in your faith.

A young Ugandan girl wears a purple uniform
Child Sponsorship Journey

Each Sponsorship project runs for nine years. Child and Youth Partners then graduate from the Sponsorship program equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to launch into their futures and encouraged knowing someone in Australia believes in their potential.



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