Better World Gifts

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By any name, the humble loo has a big impact on our health. Your Better World Gift provides training to build a toilet or hand tap for a community in Nepal. Toilets translate into sanitation and disease prevention for a community—and increased protection for women and children too. 

Product info: 

  • Card size: 148x105mm 
  • Envelope included 
  • Includes information on how your gift helps families living in poverty 

Your gift of a Toilet is helping to make a better world for all. Let me show you how.

With no toilets in Anjali’s village in Nepal, everyone used the local fields and jungles. It was a mess, and Anjali and her two daughters could only go at sunrise and sunset.  

She feared it was too dangerous to go at other times because of wildlife. And with a lack of privacy, she also feared for her safety.  

Thanks to our local Partner, there are now 17 toilets in Anjali’s community. No one needs to live in fear because everyone has a safe and private place to go. This is a great relief, especially to women and girls. 

‘Now I feel safe,’ said Anjali. 

Toilet and Better World Gifts Toilet Card

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