
Saying yes to school

Very few children in the marginalised Netuwa community in Nepal regularly attend school, making it difficult for them to build a future without poverty. Our Partner has been meeting with a group of parents in the community and talking to them about the value of education. In a recent meeting, they found 85 per cent of these parents are now sending their sons and daughters to school regularly.


Bake sale with Big impact!

Our Partner in Uganda works in a region where most families struggle to keep their children in school. Recently 30 students joined a bakery club funded by our Partner, and a few months later, they were selling bread in local markets, making as much as $150 in one day! The money is shared between the group members, which they use to buy more ingredients for baking.


Locals Take The Lead

Community development is about locals working together to solve problems. Over the past year, our Partner in Malawi has seen community members increasingly take ownership of their projects. Youth now manage natural resource initiatives like planting seedlings and maintaining tree nurseries; residents are promoting hygiene and sanitation in marketplaces; and one community group used their resources to build classrooms for a local primary school.


Full Hearts And Bellies

To combat food insecurity amidst conflict in Ukraine, Our Partners helped local churches provide regular hot meals to 1,564 vulnerable families in Poltava and Odesa. Volunteers cook and serve the meals from mobile kitchens and collection centres. ‘All the produce is fresh and tasty,’ one recipient said. ‘We have a full range—milk, fish, chicken, sauerkraut, buns and much more!’

Thank you for partnering with us in making a better world.

These stories first appeared in the seventh edition of our Better World Magazine.