At 52 years old, Bindrawti has experienced how small changes can make a big impact. When he was growing and selling vegetables, he was making the equivalent of around $600 per year, which was not enough for the family to thrive. It was difficult to increase his earnings and the market was not always stable.
With assistance from our Partner in Nepal, Bindrawti made a change to his business that’s had a big impact on the wellbeing of his whole family. With savings and a loan from a dairy cooperative, supported by our Partner, he purchased cows to start dairy farming. Today, this new business is generating a substantially more stable income, earning around $6,000 per year.

Dairy farming is proving to be less labour intensive too, meaning Bindrawti is getting more for less. He’s been able to pay his wife’s medical bills as well as help his daughter-in-law who recently needed financial assistance to give birth safely.
So, What Is Workplace Giving?
Workplace Giving is one of the simplest, most cost-effective ways to support the work of Baptist World Aid. We work in partnership with local Christian organisations around the world who see small changes having a big impact every day. It’s a way to include charitable giving as a regular part of life.
Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.—Romans 12:1 (The Message paraphrase)
How Does It Work?
And it’s smart too. Your donations come from your pre-tax pay immediately reducing your taxable salary. Your regular gifts, in the hands of hard-working families, can have a big impact, giving them the tools to overcome poverty.
Workplace Giving In Action
Craig Selby, a workplace giver, works in the water industry where his employer matches his regular giving, meaning the impact of Craig’s generosity is multiplied!
Workplace Giving makes committing to regular giving easy, and tax deductions even easier. And the tax benefit is immediate.—Craig Selby
Giving to Baptist World Aid regularly enables us to plan for the future and respond where the need is greatest around our world. And Workplace Giving is a really simple way to do this. ‘I don’t need to think about it, I can just set up my agreed regular donations and it takes care of itself,’ Craig said. ‘Adding or changing my regular giving is all possible online.’
By giving this way, Craig is supporting people like Bindrawti who now has a business that’s stable and profitable, with thanks to a community working together and the support of our local Christian Partner.
Like Craig, you can join us in partnering with communities like Bindrawti’s by signing up today to become a workplace giver. To find out more, visit our information page for all the details on how to sign up, and how to include your employer.