EMERGENCY UPDATE: On 4 August 2020, a deadly explosion in Lebanon’s capital city, Beirut, left hundreds of thousands homeless. It is the latest in a long line of hardships facing vulnerable families in Lebanon, including economic crisis and the global COVID pandemic.
Today your gift to the Middle East Crisis Appeal will give urgent help to explosion survivors in Beirut – emergency food, water, and healthcare for children, women, and men who have been left homeless. Once urgent needs are met, your gift will also provide livelihoods support to help affected families continue to survive.

Give now. Save lives.

In 2011 widespread protests against the regime of Bashar Al Assad erupted in Syria. The Assad Government responded with a violent series of crackdowns igniting a destructive civil war. Fighting continues today with devastating consequences for ordinary men, women and children.

The conflict is now in its ninth year. 6.2 million people have fled their homes and remain displaced in Syria. Another 5.6 million people have left the nation entirely, often with nothing more than the clothes on their back.

One of the major destinations for families fleeing Syria is Lebanon, which now hosts an estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees.

Families who manage to find their way to refugee camps and informal settlements arrive in desperate need of clean water and somewhere safe to take shelter… and now there is a global pandemic to contend with, too.

Today, your generosity means urgently needed support for Syrian refugee families living in Lebanon… including urgently needed health and hygiene support to keep coronavirus at bay in overcrowded populations.

Your gifts also give children the chance of finding a childhood amidst the violence of war, by helping to fund informal education facilities.

Donate now

Thank you for your loving generosity.

Updated August 2020.